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美国.S. is a sleep-deprived nation; most people aren’t getting enough sleep every night. You may have heard that using your phone before bed affects the quality of sleep you get. There are several other things that can contribute to the amount and quality of sleep you get. Dr. Kyle Jones goes over five simple things you can do to get a good night’s rest.


播音员: 改善睡眠的五件事 that you're probably not doing. 这就是下一期《大发娱乐提供》节目的内容. Medical news and research from University Utah specialists and physicians you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 大发娱乐今天在演播室与博士. Kyle Bradford Jones, family physician at the University of Utah. First of all, let's explain to the audience how important sleep is. We know that sleep is important because we all need it, but exactly how important is the amount of sleep that we get?

Dr. 琼斯: It's huge both from an issue of quantity as well as quality. Making sure that you're sleeping long enough but also making sure that you're doing the things that you get good quality sleep. So getting adequate sleep improves your thinking, it allows us to better handle stress. Getting too little or too much actually can cause us to die prematurely. 它会导致心脏病, 会导致肥胖, 如果大发娱乐想减肥, 它使大发娱乐无法减肥. It just kind of affects everything and when you think about little kids in school, if they get adequate sleep they're going to do much better. 他们在学校的表现会更好, they're going to be better behaved and they're going to be smarter overall.

面试官: 简而言之,这非常重要.

Dr. 琼斯: 完全. 尤其是作为一个国家, we're basically all sleep deprived and so this becomes a huge issue to make sure we're doing the best we can to kind of optimize our body.

面试官: 所以有五件事可以让你睡得更好, to increase that amount of people getting the right amount of sleep and the quality of it as well. 第一点?

Dr. 琼斯: Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol four to six hours before sleep. So some people think that some of these things kind of calm them down and help them get to sleep, but it actually decreases the quality of your sleep. And so you're not getting as much rest and it actually can be detrimental for you.

面试官: 所以睡前不要喝咖啡?

Dr. 琼斯: 完全.

面试官: 好吧. 2号?

Dr. 琼斯: 第二,营造一个舒适的环境. You want it to be dark; you want it to have a comfortable temperature and things like turning off the TV, 关掉收音机. Those types of things can actually keep your mind working a little bit more then actually decreases the quality of your sleep.

面试官: But turn off the radio is a little bit surprising to me personally because I always sleep with my iPod on with music kind of low. 这样不好吗?

Dr. 琼斯: Some people do better with a small amount of noise, whether it's typically . . . white noise can actually help a lot of people. Having the music or something that's constantly changing, your mind wants to focus on that and so it can actually kind of detract your mind from getting the quality of sleep you need.

面试官: That's probably why I'm not falling asleep as fast as I could be. 好吧. 这是有道理的.

Dr. 琼斯: 也许.

面试官: 3号?

Dr. 琼斯: 关掉屏幕. So cell phone, TV, computers, try to avoid using them for an hour before you go to bed. Now, I realize that's very difficult and this may be the most difficult thing for all of us.

面试官: 我也在脑子里想. I'm failing at all of these but especially this one.

Dr. 琼斯: 没错,大发娱乐大多数人都是这样. 但它也会影响睡眠质量. 这会让人更难入睡. 它实际上增加了抑郁症, 减少你的注意力持续时间, lots of things that are attached with using these too much, 尤其是在睡觉前.

面试官: 好吧. 嗯,第四点?

Dr. 琼斯: Number four is getting exercise during the day. 尤其是心血管运动.

面试官: 比如散步和慢跑?

Dr. 琼斯: 完全.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 琼斯: 确保你的身体在运动, making sure you're increasing the blood flow, 尤其是对你的大脑. That then helps your body to be able to get a better rest and fall asleep quicker, but also try to avoid exercise a couple of hours before bedtime because that can actually ramp up your body and make your sleep a little worse.

面试官: 好吧. 改善睡眠的五件事. 最后一个,5号?

Dr. 琼斯: 最后一点是一致性. So making sure you're going to bed the same time each night, making sure you're waking up the same time each morning, and making sure you're having the same rituals before you go to bed, kind of doing things in the same order because that helps structure your mind and your body and prepare you to go to sleep.

面试官: Seems like I'm just failing at all five of these and they're so simple. I feel like a lot of Americans or people in the world in general, 我想说, 不要真的这么做. And they're so simple and they're so easy and they lead to better health, but we're not doing them.

Dr. 琼斯: And that seems to be a lot of things that optimize our health. 但是你是对的, we're all sleep deprived and doing some of these things with them being fairly simple can really improve our sleep. 所以, focusing on these things even though they seem very simple, 对大发娱乐很多人来说都很难做到. So make sure we're doing those to improve our sleep, which actually makes us happier as well as can make us more productive and improve our wellbeing.

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