
你正在听的是 谁在乎男人的健康?:



孩子们受伤意味着什么? 你应该去检查一下. Dr. 亚历克斯Pastuszak explains what’s causing your pain down there and why you should check yourself regularly. 还有,如果你突然昏倒了该怎么办. 不要做一个完美主义者. 去月球是很难的. 别在小便池边说话.


这个内容最初是为音频创建的. Some elements such as tone, sound effects, and music can be hard to translate to text. As such, the following is a summary of the episode and has been edited for clarity. For the full experience, we encourage you to subscribe and listen— it's more fun that way.


Activity is vital to a person's health and it's important to get enough every day. 泌尿科医生博士. 亚历克斯Pastuszak explains that one of the major reasons he's a doctor is because it's an active job. 他站起来四处走动,和病人交流. On those long paperwork days where he's stuck at a computer, he makes sure that he gets up at least once an hour just to get his body moving.

Dr. Pastuszak reminds everyone that activity does not necessarily mean your typical exercise at a gym. Shoveling the snow in the morning can get your heart rate up enough to be good for your body. 最好每天锻炼30分钟, 每周至少三次以保持身体健康.


Guys, if your testicles are hurting, you should seek medical attention. 这是可以理解的, 下面的任何疼痛都会让人担心, but it's important to know what type of pain you're experiencing and what steps you need to take for treatment.

If you are experiencing the sudden onset of severe pain in the testicles, you need to get treatment immediately at an urgent care or emergency room. Whether this pain comes from an injury or you wake up in the morning with severe pain, 这些可能是某些严重疾病的症状.

Acute, severe pain in the testicles can be sign of testicular trauma or torsion. 这是紧急情况. They can have very serious consequences and require surgery as soon as possible.

不要等到. 得到治疗.

对于不太严重的疼痛, 或者更慢性的轻微疼痛, 你还是应该去做个诊断, 但它们不是紧急情况. Some of the conditions related to minor testicular pain include:

  • 睾丸静脉扩张
  • 肾结石
  • 与盆底有关的问题
  • 前列腺肿胀
  • 睾丸精索静脉曲张

These conditions will require medical intervention, but they often take time to treat and diagnose. They can be handled by a primary care physician or a urologist if needed.

Keep in mind, testicular cancer usually does not cause pain. So if you're feeling pain down there, don't assume you have cancer.


Dr. 亚历克斯Pastuszak nerds out a little over 官方 health recommendations. 据他说, 官方 recommendations for men is that a self check of your testicles is not necessary. 这一官方立场让Dr. 帕斯图扎克和他合作过的泌尿科医生.

每月在淋浴间进行一次自检是很方便的, non-embarrassing, zero-cost preventative measure to make sure your testicles are healthy. Dr. Pastuszak suggests getting into the habit of doing a self check regularly is important if you're going to catch anything.

睾丸不是光滑的小卵子. 对每个人来说都不一样. 睾丸并不总是光滑的. They will sometimes have little lumps and bumps that are totally natural. It's important to get familiar with the feel of your own parts so you can be on the lookout for any changes over time. If you notice any changes in the shape or feel of your testicles, 让专业人士来检查一下是值得的.


你只管管好你自己的事. Then you suddenly wake up on the floor with people surrounding you asking if you're okay. 你莫名其妙地昏过去了. 你应该去急诊室吗?

Troy has experienced this first hand on a trip to Washington D.C. 虽然他承认这是一次非常可怕的经历, it's complicated to decide whether or not it's something to go to the emergency room for.

据博士说. Madsen, 95% of the time that a person randomly loses consciousness, everything is fine. But for that last 5%, passing out can be a sign of something more potentially life threatening. It's worth getting blood work and other tests done to screen for a serious heart condition

If you are passing out for seemingly no reason, go to the urgent care. 尤其是当你不止一次晕过去的时候. They'll begin the diagnosis process and decide whether you need to go to the emergency room.


Scot is the type of guy who agonizes over the work in his Master's courses. He stresses out making sure that every article he includes in a paper is the very best one. He reads over his work over and over to make sure he's creating the very best possible work he can.


An article in the New York Times asserts that there are two types of people in the world: maximizers and satisficers. 斯科特是其中之一,而特洛伊则是另一个.

最大化者是完美主义者. They agonize over maximizing their efforts to ensure that they are getting the very best possible work done. This often leads to high stress during the process and a lack of satisfaction in their work.

Satisficers do whatever needs to be done to finish the work in front of them. They don't stress about whether the work is perfect and will often finish projects more efficiently than maximizers. Satiscficers also report being satisfied with their work at the end of the day and experience less stress completing tasks.

It's important to remember that a project is never going to be absolutely perfect. There will always be changes that can be made to a piece of work, 但在某种程度上, 如果你需要的话.

重视你的心理健康. 它和你的身体健康一样重要. 确保你没有给自己造成过度的压力.


在这一集 把这个留在大发娱乐, Troy is surprised to learn just how hard it was to get to the moon after listening to the audiobook 知道去月球之路的人. 他强烈推荐. 与此同时, Scot can't stand when men use their phone next to him at the urinal and urges every man out there to just stop it.


If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, email us at hello@thescoperadio.com.