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You are listening to Who Cares About Men's Health?:

9: Dealing with Stress

Jul 23, 2019

Troy is house hungry. Scot introduces Reginald Rat Pants. "Alexa, call an ambulance." Your Echo could detect heart attacks. Yes, a rattlesnake bite is worth a trip to the ER. Nick Galli shares pro tips about dealing with stress.

Episode Transcript

This content was originally created for audio. 有些元素,如音调、音效和音乐,可能很难翻译成文本. 因此,以下是这一集的摘要,并为清晰起见进行了编辑. 为了获得完整的体验,大发娱乐鼓励你订阅并收听——那样会更有趣.

How an ER Doc Deals with Stress

As an ER doctor, Troy has a very stressful job. The type of stress that can be overwhelming at times. The type of stress that follows him home. He's had to learn the hard way to manage his stress.

Troy takes his stress on in two major ways. First, he breaks down big tasks into small, more easily managed chunks, then takes them on one at a time. 其次,他每天都找时间思考他面临的问题. 他会仔细思考每天跑步时困扰他的事情.

Tips for Dealing with Stress from a Pro

There are plenty of strategies to deal with stress, 但特洛伊和斯科特想听听压力管理专家的意见. 尼克·加利(Nick Galli)是犹他大学的健康教练和健康运动学教授. 他和优秀运动员一起工作,但他向大发娱乐保证,他的建议对任何人都适用.

首先要考虑的一件事是,做任何不寻常的事情本身都会给你带来压力. 所以,无论你用什么活动来减压,都应该与你喜欢做的事情保持一致. 尼克的减压活动包括锻炼、读书和看Netflix. 他每天至少花一个小时来做自己喜欢的事情,释放一些焦虑.

Each of us are dealing with our own unique stressors. 因此,压力管理的最佳策略是个性化的. But there are some general strategies that can help.

Be Kind to Yourself

当你犯错时,很容易对自己苛刻. Your inner monologue can get nasty fast. 你对自己说的话可能非常消极,你会觉得大声说出来很不舒服, let alone to another person.

尼克敦促每个人练习自我同情,并注意当事情变得艰难时你如何对待自己. 记住以下几点可以大发娱乐你成为支持自己的力量:

  • You are not alone. 世界上数以百万计的人正在处理类似或更严重的问题. It's life.


  • Be productive with self-talk. Have good conversations with yourself. Talk through the problem. Explore solutions. Tearing yourself down doesn't help.


  • Talk to yourself like you'd speak to others. 如果一个朋友或你爱的人带着问题来找你,你不会马上对他们发脾气. 对待自己和自己的问题,要像对待别人一样给予支持.



  • Talk to someone about it
  • Write a daily journal about what's going on
  • 每天指定5-10分钟的“担忧时间”来消除你的焦虑, but in a structured way that doesn't derail your day

Be Present. Be Mindful.

尼克解释说,正念是最重要的技能之一,可以用来管理压力. 对尼克来说,正念有两个大发娱乐都应该努力的关键特征.

First, being mindful means being present. 不仅仅是身体上的,还有精神上和情感上的. 很多人的压力不是来自于过去发生的事情, or being anxious about things in the future. 担心那些可能永远不会发生的坏事会让你无法活在当下,无法享受生活.

第二点,也是比较困难的部分,是以一种不带评判的方式出现. We are very good at judging ourselves. 正念意味着以一种更中立的方式判断自己的想法. Remove the judgement from what you're thinking and doing. 这种中立可以大发娱乐你弄清楚是什么导致了你的情绪,以及如何处理它们.

尼克建议通过叙述自己的生活来练习正念. 假装你是摩根·弗里曼,大声描述你每天的行为和感受. It may seem ridiculous, 但对尼克的许多病人来说,这是一个很好的练习,可以开始探索自己的正念.

Could Your Smart Speaker Save You During A Heart Attack?

If you own an Amazon Echo, 有时你可能会觉得它在听你说的每一句话, all the time. 一种新的实验工具可能会利用这种“永远倾听”的功能来拯救你的生命.

According to an article from STAT news, 一项新功能正在开发中,它可以让Echo智能音箱监听和识别呼吸. This type of struggled breathing, with long pauses, 这是一个人的心脏停止跳动并可能进入心脏骤停的重要迹象吗.

Time is of the essence with a heart attack. 一种可以检测紧急情况并快速获得大发娱乐的设备的想法很棒, but does it really work?

Troy is suspicious after looking at the data. Yes, the device has been shown to detect agonal breathing, but the study only looked at 35 households. Of the 200,000 clips analyzed, the device had a 0.2% false positive rate. That may seem small at first glance, but in actuality, 这意味着该设备错误地报告了400次有人心脏骤停. 这是一个很大的错误,因为它可以叫急救医生到你家里来救你的命.


ER or Not: Bit By a Rattlesnake

假设你在野外徒步旅行,不小心走得离一条响尾蛇太近了. It strikes out and bites you. Should you go to the ER?

Yes. Simple answer. If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, seek help immediately.

响尾蛇咬伤的问题是大多数是“干咬伤”," which mean the snake released no venom. 不幸的是,在毒液的症状开始出现之前,你不会知道它是否干燥. 当这些症状开始出现时,你可能处于严重的危及生命的境地.

In other words, go to the ER with any rattlesnake bite. 根据你的生理状况,症状可能需要30分钟到几个小时才会出现, the amount of venom injected, and the location of the bit.

If you find yourself far from help while bit, 保持冷静,尽可能快速有效地寻求大发娱乐. And under no circumstances should you do the following:

  • Do not cut the bite
  • Do not attempt to suck the venom out
  • Do not put a tourniquet on the bite


Stay as calm as you can and seek help fast.

Just Going to Leave This Here

On this episode's Just Going to Leave This Here, 特洛伊一直在浏览Zillow网站,梦想着有一个更大的家, 尽管研究表明更大的房子并不会让你更快乐. 斯科特分享了他的新宠物——雷金纳德老鼠裤子的视频,这只老鼠一直在吃他的蛋白粉.

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