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Less than half of high schools in the United States mandate contraceptive and sexual education, resulting in many young adults receiving misinformation—or no information all at—regarding medically accurate contraceptive methods. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 采访格蕾丝·梅森, founder and president of the University of Utah's Campus Contraceptive Initiative (CCI), 关于在大学环境中推广计划生育, 以及CCI如何大发娱乐学生获得避孕选择.


Dr. 琼斯: I was talking to a group of 11 college students, all women, about family planning. 他们说, "We aren't really interested in family planning because we aren't planning any children right now.“真的? 我还有什么没说的?

播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is "The Seven Domains of Women's Health" with Dr. Kirtly Jones在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: 有时你认为和你说话的人明白你的意思. 好吧,那肯定是个错误. I make assumptions that young people in college know how their bodies work and about contraception, 但也许我错了.

今天在Scope演播室,大发娱乐将与格蕾丝·梅森对话, a college student who knows a lot about contraception and is learning a lot about what her fellow students know and don't know. She is the founder and President of the Campus Contraceptive Initiative here at the University of Utah. 欢迎,优雅.

葛瑞丝: 谢谢你们邀请我.

Dr. 琼斯: So, 格蕾丝, by the time young people get to college with all that's out there on the internet, 他们在避孕方面非常了解. 正确的?

葛瑞丝: 好吧, 你希望如此, but unfortunately since less than half of the United States mandates contraceptive education and sexual education broadly, 很多学生进入大学时没有接受过性教育. And a lot of students don't experience medically accurate sex ed in that regard. 所以如果他们出柜,他们可能带着错误的信息从高中毕业.

And so when we hope that students will turn to the internet to get better information, there's also a lot of misinformation on the internet that they're quite easy to find as many different people will tell teenagers what they should believe about sex ed rather than what their bodies do and how their bodies function.

So I think that students frequently come in believing things or not knowing anything and hoping that anyone will tell them the truth about how their bodies work.

Dr. 琼斯: 好吧, 媒体上有很多关于性的报道, 还有书和歌, 但没有一个真正代表性启蒙或避孕. 没有人说,“哦,是的,你用什么来避孕?“电视上从来没有这样的节目. So I read that one of the main reasons that men and women don't finish community college in the way they planned was an unplanned pregnancy. 大发娱乐怎样才能改变这一点呢?

我的意思是,如果人们来上大学,他们会计划他们的大学生活. But now they have to stop or have an interrupted course because of a baby that they didn't plan. 大发娱乐该怎么做呢?

葛瑞丝: 我认为这是一个广泛的问题, 这是《大发体育官网》的主题, it's a huge part of their initiative is reducing the unintended pregnancy rate and increasing the intended pregnancy rate, 因为目前, 45%的怀孕是意外怀孕. 对大学生来说也是如此, 谁是18到25岁的, they are the most likely to experience an unintended pregnancy and they're also the most likely to be uninsured.

So there's a variety of issues there when it comes to a lack of knowledge and education coming into college. 这是一个覆盖缺口. 有护理费用, 对于没有保险的学生来说,哪一项往往要自掏腰包600美元或更多.

Dr. 琼斯: 对避孕?

葛瑞丝: 对避孕.

Dr. 琼斯: 如果他们想要一个长效的方法. 当然,如果你使用避孕套的话会更便宜.

葛瑞丝: 当然, 但是避孕套就不那么可靠了, 而且很多学生不喜欢避孕套,因为他们不喜欢避孕套带来的快感. And as they are less reliable, students are hoping to find a method that works with them.

Dr. 琼斯: 跟我说说校园避孕计划吧.

葛瑞丝: So the Campus Contraceptive Initiative is a interdisciplinary group of students, researchers and providers who are all targeting that issue of college completion, 毕业推广计划生育.

And so we are working through research and education to expand access to services, because we find that a lot of students don't know about the different options that they have when it comes to contraception. 所以说到找到最好的方法, they first need to have the education and that step of these are all the methods available to you. 然后是定价? 保险范围是怎样的? 你在哪里可以得到这些服务呢?

Dr. 琼斯: 所以你一直在做调查. 去年你做了一个小调查,今年你一直在做一个. Any clues from your science so far in terms of what are people thinking out there?

葛瑞丝: 是的. 大发娱乐确实发现了很多有趣的事情. 第一次调查, 去年二月发行的, 大发娱乐收到了330名学生的回复, 他们被问及目前的性健康状况, their knowledge as well as their desire or interest in a low-cost contraceptive clinic on campus.

We found out that 1% of students are currently going to the Student Health Center on campus, and that really blew us away because we found out that a lot of students are going to their doctor, but we know that a lot of students aren't comfortable with telling their parents about the services that they get.

And so that we have this huge uninsured gap of students where if they were able to access care at the Student Health Center, 也许他们被拒之门外是因为自付费用, 也许他们因为不知道自己的选择而被拒之门外.

Dr. 琼斯: The Student Health Center, it may be student health, but it still has to be paid for. 所以的学生, 除非他们有那种特殊的学生健康保险, 还得拿出钱来, 也可能是他们的父母, 如果他们使用父母的保险, then their parents are going to get the bills or get the copays or get the information at home, 所以隐私成为了一个问题.

葛瑞丝: 确实如此. 大发娱乐看到学生们, 当被问及他们是否可以有低成本, 负担得起的方法, 95%的学生说, “是的, 我对此很感兴趣." And many of those students said that they would actually partake in a service like that.

但总的来说,学生们想了解这些方法. 大发娱乐发现,受欢迎的不仅仅是避孕药. 如果大发娱乐有这个避孕诊所,就有很多选择. 所有学生都希望有避孕的选择.

Dr. 琼斯: 那么,大学生从哪里可以获得有关避孕的信息呢? 有什么方法? 它们是如何工作的,在哪里以及如何获得它们? 什么是好的信息?? 他们现在能做什么呢?

葛瑞丝: 嗯,我想说有两种很棒的资源. 床边.Org是1. 他们有一个非常全面的不同选择清单, 它们是如何工作的, 不同的品种. 例如, 自从宫内节育器, 宫内节育器有几种不同的类型, being able to click on each one and seeing how they're different and what they might do.

And they are wonderful because they also can connect you with emergency contraception to your door or sending your monthly birth control to your door rather than going in clinic. 所以他们有很多资源. 计划生育学会, 是计划生育网站的一个分支吗, also has a really user-friendly interface that can compare methods and look at methods and connect you to one of their clinics.

Dr. 琼斯: 好吧. So both of these options have a place where you could put in your ZIP code and you can find out clinics where you could get healthcare?

葛瑞丝: 是的.

Dr. 琼斯: 知道这个很好,人们需要知道更多. 还有生育计划, a family planning plan is important if you want to have the family that you want when you want it, 或者你不想要, 获取你所需要的知识并正确运用. 你努力学习进入一所大学,你正在努力完成学业, 你生活的这一部分需要一点努力, 但这是值得的. 感谢收看《大发娱乐》栏目. 谢谢你,格蕾丝.

葛瑞丝: 谢谢你!.

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