Emergency Contraception is Available Online

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Emergency Contraception is Available Online


有时避孕失败. For women who find themselves in a contraceptive emergency, emergency contraception might be a more reliable option than crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. Many of these options are available over the counter, but you can also order them online. 妇女健康专家 Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones explains what options are available and how you can get these medications online, 直接送货上门, 在尽可能短的时间内.


Dr. 琼斯: 哦, 你现在有紧急避孕措施, but your doctor's clinic is two hours away and you don't have the car. The closest pharmacy is an hour away, but the pharmacist is your father-in-law. 那么你有什么选择呢? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Utah Health, and this is 范围.

播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is The Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones在范围上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: Okay, the condom broke or you didn't use protection. 你有什么选择??

Number one, you can cross your fingers and hope you don't get pregnant. If you and your partner are young and healthy, and the "oops" came around your fertile period, 这不是通常的情况吗, the chance of getting pregnant is between one and three, 四分之一.

Two, you can use emergency contraception. Emergency contraception comes in three types, and they're all quite different. One is a progesterone hormone common in birth control pills that's taken in a higher dose in a pill within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. One brand name is Plan B, and the others are Take Action and Next Choice One-Dose. These are available over the counter in many pharmacies, 但并非全部, 应该尽快服用, as it won't work after you ovulate and become pregnant.

另一个药丸, 叫埃拉, 可按处方购买, and it works for up to five days by blocking ovulation.

最后, 可以放置一个铜宫内节育器, 这是最有效的方法, but it requires that you see a clinician who can place it and place it right away. 这取决于你的保险, 可能要几百美元, but it offers highly effective contraception that's immediately reversible for up to 12 years.

If you want to get emergency contraceptive pills, you can get them online and delivered to your home. 这可不便宜, 你还需要一张信用卡, but several websites are available to women around the country, 联邦快递几乎可以送货到任何地方. You can Google "emergency contraception online," but be careful as you need a credible and reliable source.

The Princeton University website on emergency contraception is good, and the website, bedsider.Org,将带你一步一步. Both of these can direct you to the best places to order emergency contraception online. Both of these will also give you more in-depth information about emergency contraception.

Ella, the pill that works for up to five days, might be the best choice. Plan B needs to be taken sooner and isn't as effective for women over 165 pounds. You need to go to the websites recommended by the Princeton emergency contraception website or bedsider.注册一个账户.

You need to fill out a questionnaire that might take 10 to 15 minutes, and then fill out shipping and billing information. 你需要一张信用卡, and the current price for online consultation, 药物, 还有隔夜运输, but probably not on Saturday or the weekend, is $67. It comes in a little box wrapped up in a bigger box, and you have to be present to accept it at your home.

If you want them to send the prescription to a local pharmacy, the one where your father-in-law doesn't work maybe, you can give them the number and it's a little cheaper, 但你必须很快学会. 不要等一个星期.

Many women who would choose emergency contraception have limited access. 他们没有医生. They don't live near a health clinic that will take drop-ins. Emergency rooms don't consider this an emergency, and it's very expensive to use an emergency room for emergency contraception.

Women might prefer privacy and confidentiality, which they might not have in their local small-town clinic or pharmacy, 在那里每个人都互相认识. Getting emergency contraception online is an option, but it isn't cheap. You need to have a home address to receive the delivery, 你还需要一张信用卡.

当然, we all hope that you and your partner are well-covered with contraceptive methods that are effective and that you don't have to think very much about so you won't even need emergency contraception. 但如果你需要紧急避孕, 有一些选择, 比交叉手指要好得多.


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