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睡眠呼吸暂停, sleepwalking and 梦呓 all have an impact on sleep quality for both the person suffering from the sleep disorder and the person they share a bed with. Dr. Kirtly 琼斯 explores the realms of sleep comfort with neurologist and sleep specialist Dr. 克里斯•琼斯. They discuss the importance of undisrupted sleep and how to approach talking to a bed partner who might be waking you up with their snores.


Dr. 琼斯外裙: 11月是全国睡眠舒适月. 这是博士. Kirtly 琼斯 from Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Utah Health Care. 今天大发娱乐将在《大发娱乐》节目中聊梦话.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah Physicians and Specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: The health news has been increasingly focused on the importance of sleep and sleep quality and comfort in many aspects of overall health. 但是大发娱乐怎么知道大发娱乐睡觉的时候在做什么呢. 睡眠医生是怎么知道的呢?
今天在Scope Radio演播室,我将和Dr. 克里斯•琼斯 who is a neurologist and a sleep medicine specialist who has been the Director of the University of Utah Sleep Wake Center for 25 years. 欢迎博士. 琼斯.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 谢谢你!.

Dr. 琼斯外裙:大发娱乐开始之前,Dr. 琼斯, do you have any conflicts of interest or disclosures for our listening audience?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 是的, I am married to the person who is interrogating, I mean, asking me questions today.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: So given that you are my sleep partner, I'm going to call you Chris.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 好吧.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 好吧. How does talking to the bed partner, your bed partner, let you know about sleep quality and comfort?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: Even remembering what happened when you're drowsy is extremely difficult, and usually just doesn't even get recorded into long-term memory, 更不用说你在无意识的睡眠中发生的事情了.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: So things can happen when you're sleeping that might actually disrupt your sleep quality, 但你不知道, 正确的?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 这是正确的. Most of the sleep fragmentation at night does not result in a complete awakening that you could remember. Sleep medicine clinicians routinely invite the bed partner to the patient's clinical visit. We see bed partners who say, "You stop breathing in your sleep, you're gasping for air. 白天你会很累, 冷漠,易怒,对孩子无礼, 那你对我就太短了, 你需要去看睡眠医生."

Dr. 琼斯外裙: So what are the pitfalls in talking to your bed partner about sleep?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: One of the most common pitfalls we see clinically is the "nagging."

Dr. 琼斯外裙: And just because I'm a woman's health specialist, what gender is that nagger usually?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: Our rule of thumb clinically is that we get much more information from a female bed partner about her partner's sleep than we do from male bed partners. Often times it is the wife who brings the patient kicking and screaming into the Sleep Clinic.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 大发娱乐来谈谈睡眠呼吸暂停.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 睡眠呼吸问题, 尤指梗阻性的, 哪个与打鼾有关, 有时甚至每分钟打断一次睡眠, 让人们不仅仅是身体疲劳, 但第二天认知疲劳,情绪疲劳. So the most reliable sleep deprivation symptoms we have in human beings are irritability, and apathy.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 好吧,你还没准备好,但我知道你能做到. You're going to give us an example of what sleep apnea sounds like on the air.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 听起来是这样的...

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 谢谢你!. 好吧, so if your partner sounds like that you should talk to him about it.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 你绝对应该用支持的方式和他谈谈... 还有出版的文献, 包括一些大学健康护理睡眠研究人员的研究, on styles of interacting with your bed partner about stuff that happens when they're in unconscious sleep; and it's the supportive style is usually, 不足为奇的是, 最好的.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 所以你和一个不停抽搐的人上床, 你睡不着,因为它们一直在抽搐. 你能给大发娱乐讲讲不宁腿吗?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: Restless leg syndrome is very common on the order of 5% to 10% in northern European populations. It is more common in women than in men, and when women get pregnant it is even still more common. Restless legs is known by the patient with it to be present because it happens while they are still awake, 在他们入睡之前. Usually there is no argument from the restless legs patient whether they have a sleep disorder or not. 他们实际上是在积极地抱怨. 他们不喜欢它.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 这样你就不用和你的床伴说话了, 因为你知道你已经做到了, 这可能会影响到你的床伴, 因为他们想在你四处走动的时候睡觉.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: It's always difficult to see where you are when you're in the middle of an emotional storm of irritability and apathy every day. And so it's a good idea in terms of the relationship to ask your bed partner, 你觉得我是易怒还是冷漠, 或者对孩子们简短, 因为我不确定我是否注意到了这一点. 这对很多人来说很正常,他们不知道. So this could be very helpful feedback for them, that boy, they really need to look into this.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 所以对话可以从, 你觉得我是易怒还是冷漠, 或者对孩子脾气暴躁, 因为我想知道我的睡眠是否还好.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 没错,是的.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 好吧. 大发娱乐来谈谈睡眠,说话和走路. 人们知道他们会说梦话和梦游吗?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: Some people who completely wake up during the 睡走 or 梦呓, 包括你真正的, 你知道他们会这么做吗. 但绝大多数人仍然没有完全清醒. 他们半醒着, 梦游时半睡半醒, 梦呓, 所以他们根本没有有意识的记忆. 第二天早上就得告诉他们, 你在跟我说你的银行账户, 或者你在打我, 或者你在床上跑步, or you got up and wandered around the bedroom a couple of times, 然后你又回去睡觉了. 你到底怎么了?

Dr. 琼斯外裙: And aside the fact that it's disruptive and kind of threatening, 也许, 有时候只是跟你同床共枕而已. Are there any consequences to the person who is 梦呓 or walking? 这对健康有什么影响吗?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 通常是梦游者, 睡觉说话, 不能离开床,只是在床上说话或活动, 这并不危险. 但总是有摔倒的危险, 尤其是下楼梯的时候,尤其是当大发娱乐变得, 我该怎么说呢, 在年龄上更成熟.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 正确的.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: And if the 睡走 梦呓 takes a more violent form, 那就会对同床者造成危险.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: 是的. 大发娱乐来谈谈睡眠饮食. 我肯定我是这么做的, 因为这是唯一的条件, only situation in which that half of the chocolate chip cookie would go away. 大发娱乐来谈谈睡眠进食. 这真的存在吗??

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 它, and in fact almost anything you can do awake has been reported asleep, 所以睡眠性爱, 睡眠驾驶, 睡觉开门, 睡走, 梦呓, 凡是你能想到的. 这已经被很好地描述过了.

Dr. 琼斯外裙:大发娱乐进入真正困难的部分, which is bed negotiation; so covers, 室温, 环境光. 大发娱乐要怎么跟大发娱乐的床伴商量呢?

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 这是一次真正的坐下来交谈.

Dr. 琼斯外裙: Sleepers might be different in terms of how warm they like to be. Women in mid-life with hot flushes might be struggling with throwing covers off and on. 浅睡者可能会被噪音打扰, 谁想把狗放在床上, 谁想让孩子们睡在床上, 谁想在床上吃东西, 所有这些都是谈判的一部分.

Dr. 克里斯·琼斯: 我建议认真地做这件事. I would urge the partner who is missing out on sleep to have the upper hand, 因为行车安全的后果, 工作表现, 第二天的情绪功能会非常严重. 这不是一场无关紧要的谈话, and you have to be honest with your bed partner about what you need to sleep.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.com; it's University of Utah Health Sciences Radio. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击scoperadio的Facebook图标.com.