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What Should I Do If a Finger Gets Cut Off the Hand?

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What Should I Do If a Finger Gets Cut Off the Hand?

Apr 26, 2016

大发娱乐的手是大发娱乐与世界互动的主要方式之一. We touch, feel, grab and grasp. 让它们以不同的方式受伤是很常见的. Dr. Andrew Tyser 涵盖了可能发生在你手上的不同类型的创伤, more importantly, what to do, 如果你发现自己的手指和手指分开了,就一步一步来.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: Hand trauma and the hand surgeon. We're going to talk about that next on Scope Radio.

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息. The Specialists, with Dr. Tom Miller, is on the Scope.

Dr. Miller: Hi I'm Dr. Tom Miller and I'm here with Dr. Andrew Tyser. 他是一名骨科医生,专门从事手部手术和手部微血管手术. 安迪,跟大发娱乐谈谈你在实践中见过哪些类型的手部创伤.

Dr. Tyser: 不幸的是,手部创伤是发生在人们身上的一件很常见的事情. 事实证明,在许多不同的生活中,手是你与环境互动的方式, on the job, for play, 有时你的手会发生一些随机的事情. In that case, sometimes the trauma can range from fairly common, simple fractures of the fingers to fairly severe, even loss of fingers and thumbs and things like that.

Dr. Miller: 你通常会在汽车事故或工业事故中看到这些.

Dr. Tyser: We do. I think most commonly for very severe hand trauma, for instance if you were to lose fingers or a hand, that's involving industrial type accidents, or people working with table saws in their own garage.

Dr. Miller: So if one is to lose a finger or even a thumb, which would be a catastrophic loss, you can re-attach those at times.

Dr. Tyser: We can, at times. It's for select indications as we say. 所以并不是每个人都适合接受手指再植手术, depending on where it's cut off or the mechanism. However, 这是大发娱乐在大学里首先要考虑的是大发娱乐尽量在可能的情况下把衣服穿上.

Dr. Miller: 假设一个病人或一个人用台锯错误地切掉了手指, while they're trying to build a table in their garage. What do they need to do? Do they need to put the finger on ice, 我的意思是,大发娱乐在电影和所有的电视节目中都看到了急诊室, 如果他们的拇指或手指要得救,他们应该采取什么步骤呢? What do you recommend?

Dr. Tyser: That's a great question. 我认为病人在这种情况下应该做的第一件事就是确保他们的出血得到控制, either with a pressure dressing, 或者在他们的手指上绑一点止血带,因为大发娱乐不想让他们失血过多,损害其他一切.

The second thing is trying to find the parts. Sometimes if it happens with a table saw, 它可能会飞到锯末之类的地方, and we want them to find the part, and surprisingly, 人们有时会来到急诊室,没有这个零件,然后很难把它装回去.

Dr. Miller: 如果他们找到了被截肢的部分或手指, what do they bring it to the emergency room in? Should they put it on ice or cool water, put it in a plastic bag, or does that even make a difference?

Dr. Tyser: Yeah, great question. We have a recommendation. We're not sure how much of a difference it makes. 我认为最重要的是找到角色并随身携带. 但大发娱乐通常会告诉人们,如果你有的话,把它放在柔软的湿布或纱布里, 然后把它放在一个塑料袋里,然后把这个袋子放在另一个塑料袋里,塑料袋里有冰,这样可以保持凉爽.

Dr. Miller: 截肢复位成功的可能性有多大? Is there a time limit to that? 我想创伤的类型和手术成功与否有关系吗?

Dr. Tyser: Yeah, 这是一个很好的问题,也是大发娱乐经常被问到的问题, and we tell them the same thing, which is please come as soon as you can. 最理想的是在八小时内达到最佳效果. 我认为总体成功率在文献中是不同的如果你仔细看的话. However, 最近有一些大型的一级学术中心参与了这些研究, it's about a 50:50 chance of making it work.

Dr. Miller: Now fortunately, these types of accidents, 这些截肢事故比15年前更罕见了.

Dr. Tyser: Yeah, I think that's true. It's something we talk about in hand surgery. 不幸的是,这是美国大量工业工作岗位流失的结果, 也是美国职业标准提高的结果. 我认为总的来说大发娱乐看到的手指和手之类的截肢少了.

Dr. Miller: 这并不是人们手上唯一的问题或伤害, crush injuries, degloving injuries, could you talk about those a little bit, 实际上,你在手部受伤中最常见的伤害是什么?

Dr. Tyser: 大发娱乐之前谈到过桌子锯,桌子锯在圣诞节前后受伤,特别是当人们为家人做东西的时候, 不幸的是,当这种情况发生时,这是一个悲伤的故事. 然而,台式锯通常不会完全切断手指. They just damage it pretty significantly.

That is very common. 当人们不小心滑倒割伤手指时,用刀做饭或做其他事情,很多时候会割伤肌腱、神经、动脉或以上所有部位. Those are common.

Dr. Miller: What do you see in automotive accidents?

Dr. Tyser: In automotive accidents, 大发娱乐称之为更典型的钝性创伤,通常是由于挤压或高能撞击造成的骨折.

Dr. Miller: Are those difficult to repair?

Dr. Tyser: They can be. They can be very complicated. 有时不仅仅是骨头骨折,骨头周围的软组织也会受伤,这就需要不止一次手术,有时需要多次手术, depending on the severity of the injury.

Dr. Miller: 听起来,如果你手部受伤了,你需要尽快去急诊室,如果你截肢了一根手指, you need to try to recover that digit, prepare it as you suggested, 然后把它带到急诊科希望能在显微镜下重新接上.

Dr. Tyser: Yeah, I think that's very accurate. 我认为犹他大学有一个运作良好的创伤科, 大发娱乐的人手都是手外科医生他们对各种创伤都很熟悉这也是大发娱乐工作的一部分大发娱乐真的很享受让人们的手恢复功能, if possible.

Announcer: is University of Utah Health Sciences Radio. 如果你喜欢听到的内容,请在Facebook上关注大发娱乐,获取最新内容. Just click on the Facebook icon at