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Obtaining An Accurate Family Health History is Crucial

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Obtaining An Accurate Family Health History is Crucial

Nov 17, 2015
拥有一个准确的家族健康史与锻炼或正确饮食一样重要,甚至更重要. 了解家族的健康风险是你能做的最重要的事情之一,它能大发娱乐你的医生了解和诊断潜在的与基因相关的疾病,比如癌症, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental illness. Heredity expert, Dr. 亨茨曼癌症研究所的约书亚·希夫曼解释了如何开始收集, and maintain, an accurate family health history. He also talks about tools 这可以大发娱乐你组织信息,以及之后如何处理这些信息. You can go here and here for additional information.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 拥有准确的家族健康史与锻炼和正确饮食同样重要, maybe even more important. But where do you start? We'll talk about that next on The Scope.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: Dr. 约书亚·希夫曼(Joshua Shiffman)是犹他大学医疗保健中心的遗传性癌症专家. Let's talk about family history for a second. For what you do, it is absolutely crucial that you know a family history, but what about for the rest of us?

Dr. Shiffman: 作为一个病人,获得准确的家族史是大发娱乐医生了解你的疾病风险的最重要的事情之一.

Interviewer: 所以我认为这可能和运动和营养一样重要, would that be an accurate claim?

Dr. Shiffman: I think it is a very accurate claim. For instance, 如果大发娱乐知道一个病人有患某种特定癌症的遗传风险, or cancer syndrome runs in that family, 大发娱乐能够建立筛查来进行早期肿瘤监测. 大发娱乐在犹他大学和全国其他合作者所做的研究表明如果大发娱乐知道你有患癌症的风险, and we screen you accurately for that, 如果大发娱乐及早发现癌症,你三年的存活率是100%. That's opposed to 20% if you don't undergo screening.

Interviewer: So that's for cancer, but what about other medical conditions?

Dr. Shiffman: The same is true for all sorts of diseases. For instance, 如果你知道你的家族有糖尿病的遗传倾向, well then you better watch what you eat, and be careful to limit some of your sugar intake. 这同样适用于心血管疾病和其他任何类型的疾病.

Interviewer: 那么有多少人真正拥有对医生完整有用的准确病史呢?

Dr. Shiffman: I would say very few. Very, very small, in the single digits. Many of us have some idea, and we know that Aunt Millie may have had some type of disease, but we can't remember what it was, and there was a cousin with cancer, but no one really spoke about it. So when you start to dig a little deep, we begin to realize, in the clinic, really, that we don't have that full and complete picture.

Interviewer: And you're talking about some common types of diseases, 但家族中有很多事情是人们甚至没有意识到的, like mental illness for example.

Dr. Shiffman: That's very true. 大发娱乐知道有时自杀会在家族中遗传,抑郁症当然也会在家族中遗传. Almost every disease is genetic, 但是仅仅因为你有这种基因并不意味着你会得这种病. However, if you have a family history, I would argue that's even more important than the genetic risk.

Interviewer: 所以这听起来像是一个准确的家族史正在考虑广泛的潜在疾病, not just the big ones, like so-and-so had diabetes, or so-and-so had cancer. How would you actually start to collect a family history? 所以下次当你的医生问你这个问题时,你可以说,看看这个,砰.

Dr. Shiffman: Right. And that is exactly what we need. 大发娱乐已经做了几个不同的研究,大发娱乐已经表明,尽管有不同的工具可用, they really don't seem to be doing the trick. 人们似乎太依赖自己的回忆了.

So what we recommend, the first step of taking an accurate family history, is sit down, and call up your family members. Ask them, what was it that you had? What year was it that you had that? How was it treated? 了解实际诊断和你认为诊断的区别是非常重要的.

Interviewer: So it sounds like it's a family activity, it's not just a one-person activity trying to remember, and details are important.

Dr. Shiffman: Details are crucial. 你需要知道这个人是在什么年龄患上这种疾病的? 一个80岁的糖尿病患者和一个12岁的糖尿病患者有很大的不同.

Interviewer: 我认为有很多事情很难跟踪. Is there a tool or something that can help you do this? I don't think my legal pad is going to cut it.

Dr. Shiffman: 没错,你不是一个人,斯科特,很多人都这么想,我也是. 这就是为什么大发娱乐一直致力于大发娱乐的个性化健康项目,并与犹他大学的儿科学部门合作创建这样一个工具. We've been working on something called, 这个工具将允许其他人做的是在其他家庭成员的大发娱乐下收集准确的家族史.

Scott: And how far back do I need to go?

Dr. Shiffman: Usually a three generation family history is sufficient, but you also need to know, when you report to your doctor, is it something that occurred on just one side of the family? Was it both sides of the family? 因为这在定义你的风险时也很重要.

Interviewer: And beyond immediate family, how far out am I going?

Dr. Shiffman: So you really want, you know, your siblings, your own children, if you're older, you definitely want your parents, your aunts, your uncles, your grandparents, and your cousins.

Interviewer: 对,让每个人都回忆起来尽量做到准确. 一旦你得到了所有这些信息,我现在该怎么做呢?

Dr. Shiffman: Well, you should really keep it in a safe place. So you need to write it down, 或者把它储存起来,这样当你的医生需要它的时候, you have it there. If you come in prepared, and you have that family history in hand, 然后你就可以在诊所里专注于你需要做什么因为你的家族病史.

Interviewer: And so, having a family history has been important for a long time, but it's becoming more and more so, can you explain why that is?

Dr. Shiffman: 大发娱乐现在知道,家族史确实是一个人患病风险最准确的预测因素之一. We also know now that genetics plays a role. So we're able to combine DNA information, genetics, genomics, 大发娱乐是犹他大学的专家,并将其与家族史结合起来,当然,没有人需要提醒,家谱和家族史是在犹他州生活的真正关键组成部分.

所以在基因组学的革命中把这些结合起来真的能大发娱乐大发娱乐了解什么是疾病风险最重要的是大发娱乐如何预防疾病, how do we do something with that information that we obtain.

犹他大学和大发娱乐的个性化健康项目大发娱乐的儿科以预防为重点是研究家族史的完美场所. 几十年来,人们都知道家族史很重要. 但我认为大发娱乐现在所处的时间和地点拥有犹他大学可用的资源和专业知识来真正建立一个有用的工具, 不仅是为了犹他州的人民,也是为了全世界的每一个人.

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