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如果你觉得流血过多, 太少, 或者有时根本没有, 你可能会担心这是否正常. Is your body trying to tell you something? Dr. 外裙琼斯, 女人的一切都是专家, talks about what’s “normal” in terms of menstrual flow, 时机, color, 一致性和更多.


面试官: So your periods are too much, 太少, they're just weird. They're not normal or at least you think they're not normal. We'll find out if they really are or not next on 范围.

播音员: Questions every woman wonders about her health, body, and mind. 这是“我正常吗??——来自范围.

面试官: 今天大发娱乐要和Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones, she's the expert in all things woman. Dr. Jones, women everywhere have this question. “我的月经正常吗? Because I think I might be having too much bleeding down there, 太少 bleeding down there? 你如何将它与其他事物进行比较?"

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的. And I'm sure you sit around with your girlfriends and talk about exactly what color it is, 它是什么样子的, 你用了多少个护垫.

面试官: 当然.

Dr. 琼斯: 好吧,不管怎样,下面是独家新闻. 在生育期的开始, meaning somewhere between the ages of 10 and 14 when you're starting, everything 是正常的 because everything is weird. So they can skip a bunch, they can be one day of spotting, they can be 14 days of bleeding. It's totally unpredictable and when you get dizzy it's time for your mom to take you to the doctor.

面试官: 所以在这一点上,奇怪是正常的.

Dr. 琼斯: 奇怪是正常的.

面试官: 完美的.

Dr. 琼斯: 在生育末期, meaning when people are going through the perimenopause, 周期停止前的那些年, 异常即正常.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 琼斯: You can have spotting for two days, you can have 10 days of flow, you can skip months. 是很正常的.

面试官: 所以在开始和开始的时候.

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的.

面试官: 奇怪是正常的.

Dr. 琼斯: 奇怪是正常的. 在这中间,情况就不一样了. So in-between times you are expected to kind of get into a rhythm. Except when you're pregnant or breastfeeding or using something for contraception, you should be using something for contraception if you don't want to make a baby. However, let's talk about what's normal. The time between periods from the first day to the first day should be about 21-35 days. 其他专家认为是24-38天. I'm an inclusive woman, and an inclusive doctor, so I'll say 21-38 days. So if your periods come about 21-38 days apart, then they're normal.

It's not okay when you start having more than 20 days variation. That usually means you are kind of skipping some periods. Now that can be okay, but you may want to talk to your clinician about that. 现在多少是太轻? 不到两天就够轻的了. But there's usually not a problem with being too light, really, unless you're trying to get pregnant.

面试官: 正确的.

Dr. 琼斯: 所以光线很好. Remember all bets are off when you're on some kind of hormonal birth control. These we're talking about are natural periods.

面试官: 太重了怎么样??

Dr. 琼斯: 超过7天可能会太沉重. 有些人说超过10个. Now we're talking about flow, not kind of spotting days. 多少才算太多? If you are passing clots that are as big as your fist, that is too much.

面试官: 感觉很痛. 听起来很痛苦.

Dr. 琼斯: 是的. 正确的. 太多了. If you are passing clots and soaking through heavy or heavy day's protection every two hours for several hours at a time, so you are soaking all the way through, 太多了. 在数量上, 任何在5cc之间的, 大概是四分之一茶匙, 到80年ccs, 也就是几盎司, 是正常的. But women don't really have a way to measure it. So if you're passing clots that are bigger than a finger and this goes on for several hours with your periods, then 太多了 and you should talk to your doctor.

什么颜色合适?? Everything from red to brown to black is okay. Now red means the blood is coming out flowing right out onto your protection, so it doesn't get a chance to spend any time in the vagina. But the normal healthy acids in the vagina make it turn dark. Some people say, "Oh, my blood is black or it's dark.“没关系。. It just means you're not bleeding very much.

面试官: 我的妈妈, 即使是现在, she tells me that when stuff comes out of you, it's your body's way of cleaning itself up. In a way, you should feel good that things are coming out. It's the most bizarre thing, but it's her way of making me feel better about myself.

Dr. 琼斯: 上帝保佑她的心. That's actually been the way many cultures interpret bleeding so bleeding is good. Some cultures isolate women during their periods. 他们必须去一个特殊的小屋. They can't sleep with their husband in the same bed. For some cultures and faiths, it's considered dirty. 对一些人来说,这被认为是清洁. The reality is we don't know why evolution invented the period.

面试官: There's no scientific proof that this is my body cleaning itself?

Dr. 琼斯: 不完全是.

面试官: 清洗.

Dr. 琼斯: 是的, it's a good evolutionary guess, but then why don't other animals do it? So only primates, those are gorillas and chimpanzees and some monkeys and humans, have periods. 其他动物可能会流血一点, but so little you just don't see dogs walking around with pads on. In fact, when you go to the zoo, you don't even see gorillas walking around with pads on. So humans are kind of unique in how much they bleed, but we have a lot more sex than anybody else so maybe there's more to kind of fix up. As long as it's somewhere between 20 and 28 days, 21和28天, 2到8天, 而且你没有通过大的血块, 可能没问题.

面试官: So I'm weird, but that's a normal thing.

Dr. 琼斯: 是的, you're pretty weird, but if it worries you, talk to your clinician.

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