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Is That Berry Poisonous?

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Is That Berry Poisonous?

Jul 08, 2015

你置身于大自然之中,分心了几秒钟. 接下来你知道,你的孩子正在吃浆果. What do you do? 犹他州毒物控制中心的布拉德·达尔表示,这种情况经常发生. 他讲述了你应该采取的步骤来大发娱乐你的孩子——包括一件你永远不应该做的事情,如果他们摄入了有问题的浆果.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: You're out in nature and you get distracted, 接下来你就看到那孩子在吃浆果. What now? Should you freak out? Is it a problem? Well, we're going to find out from poison expert Dr. Brad Dahl from Utah Poison Control Center. And you said that this is one of the more common things, 一位母亲或一位父亲被分散了注意力,接下来他们所知道的就是他们的孩子, usually what, two or three, eating some foreign substance, berries or whatever and that freaks them out. So what do you do at that point?

Dr. Dahl: Well, number one, don't freak out. Okay?

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Dahl: Yeah, relax. 你还有时间,好消息是,很少有东西是有毒的,大发娱乐会遇到真正的问题.

Interviewer: So here in Utah that's the case?

Dr. Dahl: Yes, here in Utah. 大发娱乐是犹他州中毒控制中心大发娱乐的工作就是知道大发娱乐长了什么.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Dahl: 接下来最好的办法就是在做任何事情之前给大发娱乐打电话.

Interviewer: All right. But the good news is regardless of what it is, 没有多少东西会立刻伤害到人.

Dr. Dahl: That is true.

Interviewer: So we do have time.

Dr. Dahl: We have plenty of time.

Interviewer: 如果父母不在手机服务范围内,他们能做些什么来确定可能存在的危险吗?

Dr. Dahl: No, not really. Not unless they know what kind of berry it is. 但即便如此,我的意思是,如果你确定这是一种有毒的植物或可能伤害你孩子的东西. 我认为他们的本能是让他们呕吐,大发娱乐从经验中学到,你无法从他们身上得到足够的东西来改变结果. So we recommend not making them throw up. So if there's anything still in the mouth, 用手指扫一扫总是个好主意,把它弄出来.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Dahl: Give them something to drink. 把残留的东西推下去,以防有什么刺激的东西. 但是,除此之外,你到了可以得到服务的地方,给大发娱乐打电话. Don't panic. 我知道这对父母来说很困难,因为大发娱乐大多数父母都很喜欢自己的孩子,所以当他们做这样的事情时,大发娱乐会有点焦虑. 但如果你能保持冷静因为这能让孩子保持冷静然后尽快给大发娱乐打电话大发娱乐会好好谈谈,照顾好你.

Interviewer: 让孩子保持冷静因为你不想让他心率升高之类的. What about . . . 我的自然倾向是给他们一些面包或一些水, or something to help dilute that. Is that a smart plan or not?

Dr. Dahl: No, it's totally okay to do that.

Interviewer: Does it help?

Dr. Dahl: No, it probably doesn't help, but what it does is, as a parent that's concerned, 你会觉得你在做一些大发娱乐孩子的事情,这会降低他们的焦虑程度. 再说一次,当人们不失控或不焦虑时,事情会好得多. 你可以更好地观察孩子,知道他们是否真的有症状. If you keep asking them if they have a stomach ache, 他们最终会同意,因为你可以说服一个两岁或三岁的孩子这么说.

Interviewer: Sure. Okay. 如果他们吃了东西,你说百分之百的时候要认真对待,打电话给中毒控制中心. 如果你在手机信号范围之外,那就进入手机信号范围,我想?

Dr. Dahl: Yes. Yeah, don't wait for them to get sick.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Dahl: Because if it something, and if you can bring some of the plant with you, 这也很有大发娱乐,因为大多数人都有可以拍照的手机. 你可以给大发娱乐发一张照片大发娱乐会看一下然后说, "Oh, yeah, we know what that is." Or it's like, "Ooh, yeah, we're not sure what that is.“但大发娱乐仍然会给你最好的信息,以确保你的孩子尽可能做到最好.

Interviewer: Okay. 我想我希望得到一些神奇的答案,你会说“大多数时候你不必担心它。," or, “你要小心的就是这些浆果," but there is no real universal, it doesn't sound like.

Dr. Dahl: Well, 在不了解情况的情况下试图解决问题的问题在于, what if you're wrong? We don't like being wrong. Okay. 所以大发娱乐想要治疗所有的疾病,直到大发娱乐确定要治疗的是什么, like it could be something that's a problem. 所以大发娱乐就这样对待它,直到大发娱乐确定一切都很好. But again, 知道大发娱乐长了什么,知道孩子们到底吃了多少, 大发娱乐知道他们不太可能得到足够的伤害他们的东西.

Interviewer: 那么,是所有有毒的浆果或食物都有某种症状,还是有些没有症状呢? 我认为如果他们说他们胃痛,那我就会担心, or if a fever kicks in, I would worry.

Dr. Dahl: 这是一个很好的问题,我真的想不出任何会引起发烧的植物. 大多数会是肠胃不适,恶心,呕吐,可能还有腹泻. That would be the classic presentation.

Interviewer: And that's going to take a while to set in?

Dr. Dahl: Yeah. Usually an hour or so. Sometimes it can be a little bit sooner. 但是,再一次,这取决于它们的胃里是否有东西,以及它们到底吃了什么. 但也有一些含有其他毒素,可以影响神经系统和心脏. 所以这些症状,你可能也不会马上看到. 你甚至无法判断这是否是心脏问题. 你无法判断孩子的心跳是快还是慢,除非你真的测量它.

Interviewer: All right. Did I miss anything here? I'm trying to think from a parent's perspective, questions they might have, things they'd want to know.

Dr. Dahl: No. I think that was pretty good. Yeah.

Interviewer: So we just . . . if we see them eat something then pause on your plans. It's worth taking a picture of it. I love that idea. And finding out for sure from some experts.

Dr. Dahl: Yeah. Give us a call. We're there 24 hours a day. It's a free service. It's confidential and we'd love to help you. We want your call.

Interviewer: Give me that number?

Dr. Dahl: 1-800-222-1222. It's a 1 surrounded by 2s.

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