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即使在你感觉最好的时候, 很难有动力去锻炼, but it’s much more difficult when you feel fatigued and depressed because of cancer. But research has shown that physical activity is very important, especially with cancer. Pamela Hansen is the medical director of the wellness survivorship center at Huntsman Cancer Institute. She has some tips for finding the motivation to begin and continue an exercise program even when you’re feeling your worst.


播音员: 当你患有癌症时,如何激励自己锻炼. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中对此进行详细介绍. Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 你知道, 当你感觉最好的时候去锻炼是很困难的, 但是当你感到沮丧和疲劳的时候呢? You have pain and maybe nausea or diarrhea, which are all symptoms of cancer and cancer treatment. 你还是要锻炼. 研究表明,这对你有好处. Pamela Hansen is the Medical Director of the Wellness Survivorship Center at Huntsman Cancer Institute. 对于遇到这种情况的人,你有什么建议吗? How to exercise when you just don't feel like it, when you have cancer.

帕梅拉: There are some advantages in this population, in that it's a life altering diagnosis. It's a time when people are willing to make big changes in their life. Some people are very motivated to start an exercise program and maximize their health and functioning at this time. 现在是做这件事的好时机. 任何时候都是开始的好时机. 这对病人来说很有激励作用.

面试官: 还有什么其他建议吗? 比如说,某人在几周内非常积极, 但接着就会感到疲劳或恶心. 你是怎么做到的?

帕梅拉: I think it's really hard with the issues that cancer patients are experiencing, 继续锻炼:继续锻炼计划. 我确实认为来到一个设施, 比如权力计划, 对某人负责会有大发娱乐吗. 他们知道他们是来大发娱乐锻炼的. We give them exercises to do on their own at home on other days of the week. They know they're going to be coming back and meeting with us again. 这给了他们一种责任感.

面试官: 所以你会发现这非常重要?

帕梅拉: 我认为这对病人来说非常重要. 他们中的许多人经常这样告诉大发娱乐. 来到这样一个中心的另一件事, 或者找到一群朋友, 这是锻炼的社交方面吗. Getting together with other people can be very motivating and help one stay on track.

面试官: 我不得不说,这确实让它变得有趣多了. I played in a softball league and I was a lot more likely to want to get out and run as a result of that than I would just normally. Sometimes what is really motivating for people is knowing that there are going to be some results. How long does it take before you can start seeing some results? 我知道每个病人的情况都不一样.

帕梅拉: 对这个群体来说,这是一件很难启齿的事情, because some patients are coming in at the very beginning of their treatment or at the time of their diagnosis so we don't expect to make big gains during this time. 大发娱乐希望尽量减少损失. We want to minimize the amount of 强度 loss and fatigue they're going to experience, but they're not going to see gains during this period of time.

当他们进来的时候, 也许是在他们的诊断或治疗之后, 甚至几年以后, some survivors come to our program seven years out after their treatment and I think three months is a good period of time. 这时大发娱乐才会选择重新评估, so we exercise with patients for 12 weeks before we'll complete a reassessment. 大发娱乐会给他们打印出之前和之后的号码, 所以它们的有氧能力, 强度, 活动范围, 平衡, 和敏捷性. 真的, the improvements that we see at that point can be pretty remarkable and very motivating for patients.

面试官: But, during treatment sometimes, they might not see any improvements at all?

帕梅拉: 他们可能看不到改善 . . .

面试官: 我可以想象,这真的会让人失去动力.

帕梅拉: 这可能会让人失去动力, but I think a lot of patients know that they're expected to not feel so great during this period of time. 事实上,他们可以做他们正在做的事情是很好的. There's some early evidence now that suggests that people who are exercising during their treatment are actually able to complete their treatments on time, which is a big factor in terms of actually recovering from cancer and curing cancer.

面试官: We know the physical benefits and some of the mental benefits. Can it help other symptoms like the nausea or those types of things?
帕梅拉:是的. 大发娱乐有很多轶事. 对它做个调查研究就好了, but a lot of patients come in and exercise prior to their chemotherapy because they feel it helps reduce their nausea during the treatments.

面试官: 腹泻也是一样,如果这是他们的症状?

帕梅拉: 是的.

面试官: That's pretty incredible that exercise can do all of that, isn't it?

帕梅拉: 它是.

面试官: 通过这些东西会有危险吗? 你的动机. 你还是有症状. 但你会说,“我得起来锻炼了."

帕梅拉: As patients are going through treatment, we have to modify things quite a bit. Definitely that's an individualized approach that we use to patients, depending on their level of fatigue and what their other symptoms are. We certainly do a lot of modification of activity programs as people are going through treatment.

面试官: 有再一次, 有一群人知道这一点真是太好了, 就像亨斯迈医疗的其他人一样.

帕梅拉: 正确的. I think it's very helpful to have that guidance and that understanding of what cancer patients are going through.

面试官: Do you have any additional resources you'd recommend for somebody that is done listening to this podcast and they want to learn a little bit more?

帕梅拉: 大发娱乐在亨茨曼癌症网站上有个不错的网站.org. 您可以在“患者护理”选项卡下查找该中心. We've got a lot of information on our site regarding the different programs that the Wellness and Integrative Health Center have to offer. 其中包括大发娱乐的电力计划. 除了大发娱乐一对一的个性化项目, we also have a lot of group classes and you can see those under our site. When they're offered, these are free to patients and family members.

We also have other services, including outdoor recreational opportunities for patients and family. 大发娱乐有针灸、按摩和免费营养服务. The main thing is that people just maintain some level of exercise as they're going through treatment.

面试官: 听起来锻炼真的很重要, really important when it comes to recovering from cancer or while you're going through treatment.

帕梅拉: I think exercise can be the most empowering thing that a patient can do when they're diagnosed with cancer. 不仅是身体上,对他们的心理健康也是如此.

面试官: Thescoperadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击Facebook图标,在scoperadio.com.