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不管你是刚做过乳房切除术还是乳房肿瘤切除术, you might have some questions about what to expect after the surgery. Dr. Cindy Matsen is a breast cancer surgeon at Huntsman Cancer institute. She talks about what kinds of pain are normal and what’s not, 在肿胀方面会发生什么, 止痛药等等.


面试官: 你刚做完乳腺癌手术回到家. 你应该期待什么?你应该关心什么? 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists that you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围

面试官: When it comes to getting home and after your breast cancer procedure, what's normal and what's not normal and what should you expect? Hopefully we'll make this next part of your journey a little less scary. Dr. Cindy Matsen is a breast cancer surgeon at Huntsman Cancer Institute. She's going to help give you some idea of what to expect after you get home after your breast cancer procedure. 一个女人回到家,这很正常? 什么是不? 让大发娱乐从什么是正常开始.

Dr. Matsen: So what is normal is that regardless of the type of procedure you have, 不管你是做了乳房切除术还是乳房肿瘤切除术, 你会感到疼痛. 这是手术的事实. So we make sure that we send you home with some pain medication to help with that. You should take the pain medication if you're feeling like you're having more pain than you can handle with something like Tylenol or ibuprofen. If you're ever having a dramatic increase in your pain, 大发娱乐想听听这个, because that could be a sign that something abnormal is happening and 大发娱乐想听听你的意见.

面试官: Generally, is it just a couple of different possibilities if you're getting a lot of pain? 我是说,那是什么异常?

Dr. Matsen: So usually if you're getting a lot of pain, it's a sign of bleeding or infection. 在早期, it would typically be if you have a lot of swelling and pain we would be worried about bleeding. If you're having a lot of redness and swelling and it's further out from surgery, 那大发娱乐就更担心感染了.

面试官: 每个人对疼痛的感受都不一样. 从一到十分, I mean how do you even determine if the amount of pain I'm feeling is abnormal?

Dr. Matsen: 正确的. 所以我告诉大多数女性如果她们做了乳房肿瘤切除术, 他们可能会感到疼痛吗, 不一定是无法控制的疼痛,只是酸痛, 就几天. In fact, they will only need the narcotic pain medication for a day or two at most. 如果女性做了乳房切除术, 尤其是在重建方面, they will need pain medication for a longer period of time because that's a much more painful procedure.

面试官: Because it's a lot more invasive, you're doing a lot more stuff.

Dr. Matsen: 对,这是一个更大的手术. 切口更大, and it's not necessarily the bigger incision that hurts but just the surface area that is involved. 通过重建, especially if it's an expander that's placed behind the muscle, that's quite painful because it's stretching the muscle. 所以大多数女性,这就是疼痛的来源. It's not actually from the mastectomy, but actually from the reconstruction.

面试官: 我当然可以想象, you should always consult your doctor and in this podcast here we're just talking about possibilities, 但如果有任何担心, 可能会接电话. 这是你的建议吗?

Dr. Matsen: 绝对, and we always provide women with phone numbers that give them access to someone 24/7, 所以如果你担心的话, you wake up in the middle of the night and you feel something really abnormal, 大发娱乐有人可以和你谈谈这件事.

面试官: 所有 right, so we've talked about pain, what are some of the other considerations?

Dr. Matsen: So the two main considerations that we have after surgery are the two things I mentioned with the pain are bleeding and infection. If you ever have an abnormal amount of swelling, 大发娱乐想听听这个. 通常, 如果你打电话给大发娱乐说, “我感到非常疼痛和肿胀," we're going to say come in so we can take a look and see what's happening. 如果你曾经发烧,肿胀和发红, those are signs of infection and 大发娱乐想听听你的意见 then too because we're going to have you come in so we can take a look and possibly start you on antibiotics.

面试官: And are there differences if you've had a lumpectomy or a mastectomy as far as other things that you should be concerned about?

Dr. Matsen: 这是有区别的. 主要区别在于乳房切除术, you go home with drains in and those drains have to be emptied a couple of times a day and you have to keep track of how much is coming out. 如果你看到液体的变化, 要么是它看起来的样子,要么是它流出来的量, 大发娱乐想听听这个 as well because that could be a sign that something has happened or changed that we need to hear about.

面试官: What are some common misconceptions when women get home? 有点像虚惊一场.

Dr. Matsen: I think the biggest thing is most women with a mastectomy and the drains get very concerned about the drains and the drain output is supposed to go down over time, but they'll be concerned that if it's going down that something bad is happening. And that's actually not, that's a normal part of the process. Your body makes fluid after surgery and as your body heals and those spaces closed down, 液体会随着时间减少.

面试官: 所有 right, any final tips or any final thoughts on this topic?

Dr. Matsen: The biggest thing is that for most women, they've never had surgery before. 他们不知道会发生什么. We try to give you an expectation for the things to look out for, but if there's ever anything that you're concerned about, 任何你觉得不正常的事情, 大发娱乐想听听你的意见.

面试官: Better to make that phone call than go on the Internet and try to find out for yourself.

Dr. Matsen: 绝对.

播音员: Thescoperadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击Facebook图标@ thesoperadio.com.