

大发娱乐收到了3800万美元, seven-year Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS), 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的一部分.

该奖项将支持联合国正在进行的和正在出现的努力 犹他州的临床 & 过渡科学研究所(CTSI) to increase efficiency and 有效的ness of research aimed at improving human health and reducing health disparities, 说 詹妮弗Majersik, m.m.D., M.S., 该研究所的联合主任 and chief of the Division of Vascular Neurology in the Department of Neurology at U of U Health.

有了新的资金, the Utah CTSI will continue its participation as one of more than 60 sites in the NCAT’s CTSA program, a national network of medical research institutions working together to improve the translational research process to deliver more treatments to more patients more quickly.  

“Funding from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences is critical and widely recognized as a hallmark of tier one academic medical centers,Majerik说. “It allows the Utah CTSI to continue providing resources to our research community. It fuels our efforts to train the next generation who will drive research forward.

Funding from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences is critical, 詹妮弗Majersik说, 詹妮弗Majersik, m.m.D., M.S., 该研究所的联合主任 and chief of the Division of Vascular Neurology in the Department of Neurology at U of U Health.

CTSI is involved with hundreds of 项目 each year and supports shared resources for clinicians and scientists with the goal of improving the way science is done.

“The Utah CTSI’s infrastructure allows researchers to explore better ways to move biomedical science from bench to bedside, 从诊所到人群,” 瑞秋·赫斯,M.D., M.S.他是该研究所的联合主任, a professor in the Departments of Population Health Sciences and Internal Medicine, 以及负责研究的副总裁. “从基本发现到实施和传播, we support high-quality science that helps overcome existing barriers to clinical and translational research. Our ultimate goal is to improve health care by making research more efficient, 有效的, 和公平.”

为此目的, the Utah CTSI will conduct a series of multi-year 项目 over the next seven years aimed at improving health equity by removing barriers to clinical and translational research, 比如研究中种族和民族群体的代表性不足.

“By targeting barriers to inclusiveness throughout the research lifecycle—from study design to analysis––these 项目 will provide solutions to ensure research is more scalable and applicable to all target populations,” Ashley Kapron博士.D.他是犹他州CTSI研究和科学运营主管.


瑞秋·赫斯,M.D., M.S.他是该研究所的联合主任,
The Utah CTSI will conduct a series of multi-year 项目 over the next seven years aimed at improving health equity by removing barriers to clinical and translational research, 瑞秋·赫斯说, M.D., M.S.他是该研究所的联合主任, a professor in the Departments of Population Health Sciences and Internal Medicine, 以及负责研究的副总裁.


The first project focuses on the rapidly changing health care landscape by addressing a fundamental question: “Can a physician trust artificial intelligence (AI) to guide patient care?”

AI tools are used to examine historical data from thousands of participants to predict an outcome for a patient. 例如, 一种人工智能工具可以根据某人的年龄预测患糖尿病的风险, 比赛, 身体质量指数, 家庭, 以及病史. 然而,预测的准确性取决于它所依据的数据. So, if this prediction is based on information that doesn’t include a representative number of women, 例如, 它可能是不准确的,对医生或病人没有什么用处.

胡里奥·法切利博士.D., 生物医学信息学特聘教授, will create and disseminate new methods to help researchers and physicians use AI prediction tools with a better understanding of the limitations of the predictions for individual patients.


第二个项目,由 罗伯·辛格尔顿,m.s.D., professor and vice chairman of Department of Neurology at U of U Health, will develop methods and infrastructure to enable patients from rural areas to more easily participate in research studies.

经常, it is difficult for rural individuals to travel to medical centers where clinical trials are conducted. 即使有些研究过程可以在虚拟环境中进行, participants still need to have blood for the research study drawn in person. As a result, rural patients are often not well represented in clinical trials, Singleton 说. 为了减轻这种负担, Singleton and his colleagues will engage clinics in rural areas to draw blood for these studies, 使它 easier for local residents to participate in clinical trials and other research.


犹他州CTSI每年支持数百个项目,大发娱乐提供 主要服务和资源 大发娱乐研究人员改进研究方法. 从统计和信息支持到社区参与, 临床研究, 以及实验室专业知识, the Utah CTSI supports investigators at every stage of the research lifecycle. 通过这些合作,犹他州CTSI大发娱乐解决了 项目 专注于阿片类药物, 痴呆, 母胎健康, 心脏病学, 血栓形成, 肺的研究, 和更多的.

除了研究支持,t犹他州CTSI也大发娱乐提供 培训项目 对于临床研究人员来说. 通过尖端的课程和高质量的指导, 这些项目大发娱乐研究生, 博士后, and early career faculty learn the best practices of translational research and ultimately develop their own independent research programs. The Utah CTSI is also launching new programs for local 6th-12th grade students, undergraduate students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and early professional 临床研究 staff from the Salt Lake Valley.

犹他CTSI发球 as the central hub of translational research in the Mountain West and has become the center for combining the efforts of the University of Utah and its partners into a vibrant research enterprise that advances both clinical 项目 and the science of translational research.

凭借这个奖项, the Utah CTSI will continue and grow partnerships with Intermountain Health, 退伍军人事务部盐湖城医疗保健系统, 犹他州卫生与公众服务部, Comagine健康, 犹他州社区卫生协会, 内华达大学, 里诺, 以及犹他州的社区面孔.


国家促进转化科学中心 (NCATS) conducts and supports research on the science and operation of translation—the process by which interventions to improve health are developed and implemented—to allow more treatments to get to more patients more quickly. 它是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的一部分,.