
With Cost Removed, Women Choose More Effective Contraceptive Methods


Contraception cannot be handled with a one-size fits all approach. Women often try several types of 生育控制 before finding one that works best. A new study at the 大发娱乐 finds that cost often limits women’s access to the most effective contraceptive methods, 比如宫内节育器和皮下植入物.

David Turok,医学博士, associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and colleagues at U of U Health developed the HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative (HER Salt Lake) to evaluate women’s contraception choices if cost is not a factor. The research findings are published in the February 22 issue of the 美国公共卫生杂志.

看 video 关于她的盐湖.

除了消除成本障碍, 她的盐湖也大发娱乐提供各种形式的避孕措施, and participants could change methods at any time in the study, 免费.

“当你把成本作为一个因素去掉, people are more likely to select more effective contraception methods that are often the most expensive up front,” 杰西卡·桑德斯,博士,MSPH, first author and research assistant professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at U of U Health. “当大发娱乐在画面中加入教育和推广时, 大发娱乐看到对这些方法的需求在增加.”

The study was divided into three six-month segments—a control, Intervention 1, and Intervention 2. 对照期为研究建立了基线, by evaluating the 生育控制 methods selected by women who received standard contraceptive counseling and care at Planned Parenthood clinics throughout Salt Lake County.

干预1期间, women seeking services at these clinics were offered no cost, same-day access to the reversible contraceptive method of their choice. Women could change their contraceptive option at any time during the three-year study. 除了, HER Salt Lake ensured clinics were stocked and had providers on site to facilitate the requested care on the same day.

“I was blown away by the number of women who accessed care when cost was removed,” Sanders. “We thought we might recruit 2,500 women [for the study], but we almost doubled that number.”

Women enrolled in Intervention 2 received the same care as the first intervention, as well as education about contraceptives through an online media campaign. 这项运动超越了目标社区.

她说:“很多女性都是通过口口相传听说了这个项目 凯尔·迈尔斯博士, co-author on the paper and the HER Salt Lake project facilitator. “The women who benefited from HER Salt Lake came back the next week with their friends and sisters.”

As of 2014, more than 200,000 Utah women were in need of publicly supported 计划生育 services. 她的盐湖为7名妇女大发娱乐提供免费避孕,400多名女性报名参加,报名人数超过4人,400名女性参与了这项为期三年的研究.

研究人员发现,干预1组的女性是1.使用宫内节育器的可能性要高6倍,2倍.5 times more likely to use an IUD in Intervention 2 compared to women who enrolled during the control period.

“The Family Planning research team at University of Utah has worked for a decade [to] overcome a number of different barriers to help women access different methods of contraception,图罗克说。, 该研究的资深作者. “Our research partnership with Planned Parenthood enables us to study the effect of a community-wide intervention that expands the availability of all contraceptive methods to women in Salt Lake County.”

The researchers will send periodic surveys to women enrolled during the next three years to track the effect of universal access to 计划生育 influences educational attainment, 金融流动, 以及性满意度.   

这个项目建立在以前在爱荷华州的研究基础上, Colorado and Missouri that found the removal of financial impediments resulted in a higher acceptance of IUDs and implants.

Although the initiative reached a limited geographic population, the HER Salt Lake team hopes to take this study further to increase access for women through provider training and stocking at community health centers and rural clinics.

“We designed HER Salt Lake to allow women to make choices,” Sanders said. “It was exciting to see women who could benefit from this project take us up on this offer.”

Funding for HER Salt Lake was provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Willard L. 艾克尔斯基金会, 拜耳制药, 默克制药, 梯瓦女性健康, 计划生育学会研究基金, an anonymous foundation and a group of community stakeholders.

研究ers from the Department of Sociology at the University of Utah, Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health at the University of California at San Francisco, 密歇根大学和威斯康辛大学, 麦迪逊参与了HER盐湖倡议.


这篇文章, titled Contraceptive method uptake during the community-wide HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative, 可以在 美国公共卫生杂志. 参观她的盐湖.

大发娱乐 这是该州唯一的学术医疗保健系统吗, providing leading-edge and compassionate medicine for a referral area that encompasses 10% of the U.S.包括爱达荷州、怀俄明州、蒙大拿州和内华达州的大部分地区. A hub for health sciences research and education in the region, U of U Health touts a $291 million research enterprise and trains the majority of Utah’s health care professionals at its Schools of Medicine and Dentistry and Colleges of Nursing, 药剂学与卫生. 员工超过20人,000名员工, the system includes 12 community clinics and four hospitals — University Hospital; University Neuropsychiatric Institute; Huntsman Cancer Hospital; and the University Orthopaedic Center. For eight straight years, U of U Health has ranked among the top 10 U.S. academic medical centers in the rigorous Vizient Quality and Accountability Study, 包括达到. 2010年和2016年各1次.