
犹他大学健康计划 Selected for Green & 健康家庭为成功买单项目

犹他大学健康计划 announced its participation as one of five selected organizations in the Green & 健康家园计划 (GHHI) and Calvert Foundation's Pay for Success (PFS) Program benefitting low-income, 哮喘儿童. Donations from the Corporation for National and Community Service's Social Innovation Fund (SIF) will be used to research new models of a home-based intervention program, aiming to result in reduced asthma-related hospitalizations, 急诊科就诊, missed school days and other outcomes over a seven-month time span.

犹他州有大量的哮喘患者, 尤其是在儿科人群中, made 的 犹他大学健康计划 a prime candidate for this study. 与GHHI一起, care managers will use a variety of mechanisms to select patients fitting the requirements to receive home renovations.

"We are incredibly grateful for the Corporation for National and Community Service's support and the opportunity to explore PFS projects with these exceptional healthcare organizations,露丝·安·诺顿说, GHHI总统 & 首席执行官." GHHI is working to improve the health of housing so children and families are healthier and have a greater opportunity to thrive."

研究 has found that 40 percent of asthma episodes are caused by home-based environmental health hazards. 不知道根本原因, patients are resorting to medical attention before fixing the problems at home. Together with the GHHI and Calvert Foundation, the 犹他大学健康计划 will research specific ways to increase the health standards of local, low-income homes by making whatever renovations are needed in the home—anything from replenishing air filters to replacing bad carpet with other flooring.

通过实施这个可行性研究, the 犹他大学健康计划 aims to lower the medical costs by reducing the amount of emergency room and hospital visits associated with asthma. 研究 and analysis will determine the effectiveness of the home renovations in lowering medical costs and preventing asthma outbreaks.

的 clinical operations team from the 犹他大学健康计划 will be an integral player with local pediatric clinics and Green and Healthy Homes once the project start date is finalized. UUHP will provide care management referrals as well as intense analysis reviewing the effectiveness of the study.

"We feel extremely fortunate to have been awarded the Social Innovation Fund Program with GHHI,特拉维斯·奥尔特, business operations manager for the 犹他大学健康计划, 说. "We have worked with Green and Healthy Homes for the last two years and have seen much improvement among members served by this partnership. We look forward to providing a unique community service to our members, which will facilitate healthier outcomes for low-income, 哮喘儿童 through improved living conditions. It is a wonderful project and we are excited to be a part of it."

About 犹他大学健康计划: Salt Lake City, UT

犹他大学健康计划(uhp) was formed as a strategic initiative of the University of Utah Medical Group and University of Utah Health Care. 自1998年以来, uhp已经发展到服务140多个,000个成员, with more than 100 staff members in the Salt Lake City area. UUHP administers fully at-risk Medicaid and commercial products and is strategically aligned with academia and government programs to effectively manage cost and quality of health care and meet all regulatory requirements. 非统合方案的重点是人口管理. UUHP identifies member risk levels and provides the most appropriate intervention, from supporting healthy lifestyle decisions to advanced care management, 对于病情复杂的患者.

关于绿色 & 健康家园计划

绿色的 & 健康家园计划® (GHHI®) is a national nonprofit dedicated to breaking the link between unhealthy housing and unhealthy families. Formerly known as the Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning, GHHI replaces stand-alone housing intervention programs with an integrated, whole-house approach that produces sustainable green, 健康和安全的家园. As a result, we are improving health, economic and social outcomes for families across the country.

在联合国的支持下.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 美国能源部(DOE), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Council on Foundations and numerous philanthropic partners, GHHI serves as the national model for green and healthy homes interventions and is currently working in Austin, 亚特兰大, 巴尔的摩, 水牛, 芝加哥, 克利夫兰, 丹佛, 底特律, 迪比克, 弗林特, 杰克逊, 兰辛, 刘易斯顿奥本, 马林县, 纽黑文, 费城, 普罗维登斯, 盐湖城和圣安东尼奥. 点击大发娱乐了解更多.org或关注大发娱乐@HealthyHousing.

GHHI is a recipient of the Corporation for National and Community Service's Social Innovation Fund (SIF). As part of the SIF's new Pay for Success initiative, GHHI is helping strengthen the pipeline of state and local governments and service providers prepared to implement Pay for Success projects across the country. By tying funding for community-based solutions to tangible social outcomes, Pay for Success has the potential to change the way government serves the public. 在nationalservice了解更多信息.gov / sif.